1、Not another of your dotty ideas for making money!
2、An aged couple lives next to the Dotty Wotty House.
3、Its characteristic is silvery white scale trifles, the phenomenon of membrane and dotty hemorrhage.
4、He did not look like a ghost, more like someone's dotty father.
5、She was getting a bit dotty and could never be left alone
她越来越见傻, 决不可无人照看
6、I freely confess I'm as dotty as you are.
7、Now known as the Dotty Wotty House, it is home to Mr Guyton's mother.
8、Not another of your dotty ideas for making money
a. 多点的, 愚蠢的, 薄弱的 详情0
1、He danced on his hind legs,then on hisoverexcited造句
1、You may get overexcited and interruptwhack造句
1、He'd just got that whack when Injun Jorennet造句
1、There is vegetable rennet available anhot pepper造句
1、This delicious salad features the tanginspection certificate造句
1、Inspection Certificate of Origin产地检验证书punk造句
1、To start, the Paper Punk fold-your-ownturner造句
1、Malings: Was the Turner Prize a thingsaul bellow造句
1、Saul Bellow describes his impressionschiding造句
1、“Better a little chiding than a greatfluently造句
1、Our foreign teacher speaks Chinese verintemperance造句
1、given to gross intemperance in eatingsos造句
1、They decided to put up an SOS sign.他们决secretly造句
1、John pleaded a pardon secretly obtaineted造句
1、Ted is a key, and his parents are verylaterally造句
1、To tilt an aircraft or a motor vehiclespinning top造句
1、Thus, the spinning top generated a mucmanufacturing plant造句
1、Madras, which is based in Argos, alsoafrican american造句
1、Double-consciousness in African Americfeel the pinch造句
1、So, hotels never feel the pinch of the