1、Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.
2、I am an egotistical person; there is no doubt about it.
3、Yes, he is a gigantic egotistical overrated artist.
4、He'll also be seen as petulant, egotistical and stubborn, but he's been a wonderful player.
5、A person regarded as being disagreeably egotistical and self - assured.
a. 自我本位的, 自负的 详情0
1、a nation in Asia; was part of French-rpolicy analysis造句
1、Then, Some policy analysis methods werclinical造句
1、Objective: To investigate the clinicalironic造句
1、The sagacious cleric, in an ironic twiintensely造句
1、Practice intensely for the listening tminima造句
1、That is what happens at minima or maxifrom house to house造句
1、And go from house to house singing Chrdictionary造句
1、Taxonomies can be used to structure ortracheid造句
1、There were very small effect of seed sreciprocal agreement造句
1、INSEAD has a reciprocal agreement withskylark造句
1、Then the skylark flew up and alightedwhole milk造句
1、Whole milk has more cholesterol than skota造句
1、Flooring are large swathes of polishedspoilt造句
1、He was the spoilt child of that househbusiness relations造句
1、We have had business relations with ousister-in-law造句
1、My sister-in-law is pregnant.我嫂嫂怀孕了。2、culver造句
1、Culver opposes a ban卡尔弗反对禁止实验。2、Culvercrosswise造句
1、Then cut crosswise slices as for the presistive造句
1、The invention is directed to a resistiuser-friendly造句
1、name is a user-friendly name.name是用户友好