1、Egress time forecast model was also built based on number of seats and exit gate in venue.
2、The egress in case of a fire is on either side of the hallway and down the stairs.
3、People's safe egress is the basic goal and main idea of the performance based design.
4、A high seating position makes ingress and egress easy.
5、How are this values mapped to egress and ingress interface queues?
6、Delayed egress hardware may be used in secured courtyards to prevent patients from wandering away.
7、The secured area should meet all life safety code egress requirements.
8、Drains achieve a ready egress of the liquid blood.
n. 出口, 外出vi. 外出 详情猜你喜欢
sob story造句
1、Pitch them a SOB story and they oftenelectronic device造句
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1、ABSTRACT: A hail attacked Cognac in Fr