1、He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice.
2、For example, in one movie a woman sings with a very high falsetto voice.
3、They sing falsetto very well.
4、In a soft falsetto as he works, the words.
5、Now, falsetto register may not be very useful most of the time, but there's a register in between.
n. 假音, 假声歌手 详情0
at first blush造句
1、On cost, the bill appears at first blugit造句
1、Get Git, and see the Git download pagefalseness造句
1、He hated falseness and did not know hojuxtaposed造句
1、In the exhibition, abstract paintingscountry of origin造句
1、"The concept of country of origin forosteoclastic造句
1、Control defects showed no osteoclasticfunction name造句
1、In our case, the function name is "hanendoscopy造句
1、Manometry and endoscopy may also be neadult female造句
1、A female bird, especially the adult feremelting造句
1、The relative comparative experimentalyukon造句
1、She didn't even flinch when the farmersocial contract造句
1、The social contract that guaranteed liulcerated造句
1、ulcerated chilblain on the heel.脚后跟上的冻blackish造句
1、Blackish peccary with whitish cheeks;virology造句
1、Presently he is Virology Editor - in -forwarding造句
1、Figure 11 shows the information providclarifier造句
1、The resulting microbial floc is settllawrence造句
1、In the 1890s, Lawrence Hargrave inventforty造句
1、Up to forty percent of the students hascreened造句
1、A filamentous fungi FG-2 was screened