female body造句
1、The male body refers to wisdom and female body to Zen.
2、Study on the relationships between the female body and the clothing ease
3、For me, the female body is beautiful and I use it for something positive, not negative.
4、Sure. Could you see a wide shot of a female body being dumped in an ocean?
5、In the unequal relationship of "seeing and being seen", the female body is an important carrier.
6、In the generator's hall finally something… a female body lying down… she breaths!
7、Media images that promote the ideal female body as thin.
provide for造句
1、funds taken out of earnings to providechurch造句
1、The Presbyterian Church is the establichurn造句
1、One minus the churn rate is the retenttelecommunication造句
1、Hausman,The Effect of Sunk Costs in Testamper造句
1、The invention also discloses method foLCL造句
1、The framework of boxes, such as LCL Bufluxion造句
1、The granularity of salt may affect ongraduate from造句
1、Sophie Collins, 23, is a biology gradunormal造句
1、The PBMC-ADCC activity in 40 normal adcritical state造句
1、The critical state model is an importashuffling造句
1、Just then a distant whistle sounded, aelastic造句
1、Based on this theory, elastic slidingsm造句
1、The SM internationalization has its brcomputer network造句
1、The Computer Network of Guangzhou TV Sshinbone造句
1、The shinbone is a device for finding ftiff造句
1、Reading TIFF files reliably is much hapapa造句
1、Papa says you are a broth of a boy, fobinary compound造句
1、A binary compound of chlorine氯化物一种氯的二元energizing造句
1、New forces are energizing all about ussurf造句
1、I surf the Internet for making friends