1、I removed the fibroid tumours, using the techniques that I have perfected.
2、It is a rare complication of fibroid disease.
3、We report an unusual case of inflammatory fibroid polyp presenting with chronic anemia.
a. 纤维性的, 纤维状的n. 纤维瘤【医】 纤维样的, 纤维瘤, * 肌瘤 详情0
1、Marburg haemorrhagic fever has been ccontrolled造句
1、That cone Angle is directly controlledhumane造句
1、Mr Obama's policy was also Mr Bush's,indianapolis造句
1、"He's my baby, so he deserves the bestremarkable造句
1、We witnessed a remarkable chain of evelunchroom造句
1、The door of Henry's lunchroom opened akohl造句
1、Sitting in his wheelchair, Kohl spokeflocks and herds造句
1、The flocks and herds were poking alongmid-autumn festival造句
1、The Mid-Autumn Festival has a long hisfamily therapy造句
1、But the teenagers who had family therareceive造句
1、McCary will receive about $921,000 infertilizer造句
1、(NaNO3) used especially as a fertilizededicated造句
1、He is a dedicated teacher他是一位有奉献精神的老师。idf造句
1、Do I use the same idf from training semaster class造句
1、Jér?me Ducharme's master class was myforest造句
1、From the West Indies also come oil, miethnic造句
1、Beset by ethnic strife, the province rbow down造句
1、They are heroes, and I bow down to theinduced abortion造句
1、In some countries, induced abortion iscome round造句
1、It was her suggestion that I should co