fully grown造句
1、The flesh of fully grown sheep.
2、It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon.
3、A fully grown leafy sea dragon can reach about 45 cm.
4、Not fully grown or developed; young.
5、The bear was a fully grown adult
6、This is a fully grown woolly bat, Kerivoula lanosa.
7、A large, fully grown male kangaroo
8、And then one day, seeing a young tree and wondering if that's how fully grown trees start out.
9、The parrot was fully grown with a very bad attitude and worse vocabulary.
10、This parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and worse vocabulary
11、Plants in a water treatment lagoon will be cut down when fully grown and harvested for biofuel.
1、a one-handed shot made while whirlingrenewing造句
1、The falling out lovers is the renewingpower of attorney造句
1、We suggest you write a power of attornmischance造句
1、Later, by mischance Elsa falls down incomputer monitor造句
1、Most of us don't care how an ink pen obolt out造句
1、I saw a man bolt out of our backyard.我travel to造句
1、I also travel to other familiar citiesstudent union造句
1、Then there's his job at the student undiagram造句
1、The flow diagram in Figure 1 describesviatic造句
1、Safe, it is the mankind is on industrioppose造句
1、She knew too much of the obstinacy ofterms of trade造句
1、On China's terms of trade so as to staself-aware造句
1、The citizens want freedom and turn todigitalis造句
1、Digitalis was originally purified frominterfacing造句
1、A Method of Interfacing CODEC with Micenvirons造句
1、The harsh desert environs of Klatooineregain造句
1、put an end to a passive state of affaifalling造句
1、A technician on probation was hit by ashake out造句
1、The design process should shake out thdebriefing造句
1、Now is the time to switch on your debr