Hamming distance造句
1、Artifact-a piece of unstructured conteforce造句
1、She had to force herself to stand herTRUE造句
1、Indicate whether the following statemenatural gas造句
1、Tubing is used to extracting petroleumnutrition造句
1、For chronic diarrhea, adequate nutritiaarhus造句
1、The engineering team soon outgrew theforeign currency造句
1、We'd adopt a floating rate foreign curfistfight造句
1、I nearly got into a fistfight with somsingle layer造句
1、Dynamic Stability of Single Layer Retibrighton造句
1、I spent last week in Brighton interprecommonalty造句
1、Part two: commonalty feelings and critmanchuria造句
1、An Analysis on the Manchuria Railway Nfreezer造句
1、The purring of the freezer had been thVenusian造句
1、For the first time Venusian scientistsstorm造句
1、The storm threw the boat about the boaregicide造句
1、The idea of plunder, murder, and regicoff with造句
1、I didn't really hit it off with his frspray造句
1、Spray has a good performance, and withsuperannuated造句
1、Only an occasional banana grove or supthoreau造句
1、My 15 students read Emerson, Thoreau a