1、His catering business made him a milliupper造句
1、He has a scar on his upper lip他的上唇有一道疤roughened造句
1、Problem: Hard, dry andor roughened skiwagon train造句
1、He talked most of them around and keptacutely造句
1、When we left that afternoon, we were adeflagration造句
1、Deflagration is combustion wave propaggimbal造句
1、Ive pulled that gimbal thRee times andflowmeter造句
1、Application of Coriolis Mass Flowmetereurope造句
1、Where America has a single provider ofintestinal flora造句
1、Digestive problems can also result wheeyespot造句
1、Effect of 10%Ph1 EC for controlling whin sympathy with造句
1、Although he is a socialist, Mr. Wellsactivist造句
1、I've never been an activist before.我以前companionship造句
1、The search for companionship is more ivenomous造句
1、The authors “produce some pretty conviparadoxical造句
1、It is paradoxical that some of the poopacket filtering造句
1、Research and Design of Packet Filterindry air造句
1、Hurricanes usually derive energy fromlenticular造句
1、The channel is overlain by siltstone aposterior造句
1、This is usually followed by a posterio