in the event造句
1、BENGHAZI, Libya - "What do you do in the event of a third-degree burn?" asks Dr. Randa Abidia.
2、In the event of rain, the game will be postponed.
3、To ensure that Apple will remain Apple, in the event that Jobs were to depart.
4、In the event of failure we must wind up our business.
5、In the event of a new conflict it could be cut by rocket fire within hours.
6、SOS will not alter your computer Settings unless you ask it to do so in the event of problems.
7、To ensure that in the event of an accident can be timely compensation, reduce the loss.
8、In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
9、In the event of fire, ring the alarm bell.
如果着火, 就按警铃。
10、There are no charges except in the event of early repayment.
11、Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.
12、In the event of a stall, immediately open the roll gap and turn off the cooling water.
13、In the event of a large rupture, the system would vent directly to the atmosphere.
14、In the event of his death Sheila will inherit the money.
一旦他故去, 希拉就会继承这笔钱.
15、There were over 500 balloons in the event with over 1,000 pilots.
16、The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire.
17、In the event of emergency we may make off.
18、There was only enough room to shelter one extra person in my room in the event of an air raid.
19、But they asked him to telephone them in the event of need.
20、This protects investors’ principal in the event of deflation.
21、Diagnostics should be clear, informative, and plentiful in the event of problems.
22、In the Event based Initiation section, select the "First document check in?" Option.
在Eventbased initiation区中,选中“Firstdocumentcheck in”选项。
23、In the event of exam, we cannot go swimming today
假如考试, 我们今天就不能去游泳。
24、In the event of an outbreak, this technology could facilitate rapid containment of the disease.
25、In the event of a breakdown, one should always be prepared.
26、Juno: no. The school would most likely contact you in the event of my expulsion.
27、We mention that in the event that you have been living in a cave. On Mars.
28、Standard mechanism to use WS-Notification to subscribe in the event of state change.
在状态更改时使用WS - Notification来进行订阅的标准机制。
29、You can call me in the event of an emergency you can't handle.
30、Keep the virtual machines stable even in the event of considerable concept restructurings.
in the event翻译
结果, 如果【法】 结果, 到头来 详情

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