1、An integument or outer layer of various invertebrates.
2、The integument grew fast and overgrew the nucellus.
3、Inner cells in the integument differentiated into integument tapeta.
4、The epidermal cells in the integument became flattened, smaller in size, and without nuclei.
n. 覆盖物【医】 体被, 皮, 珠被, 包膜 详情0
primary market造句
1、In summary, the open is a primary markmangy造句
1、a mangy dog with a broken back (a termdysentery造句
1、Result 18 patients with toxic bacteriubots造句
1、Generally speaking, bots don't send oucompetent造句
1、We must respect work, knowledge, compesorrow造句
1、Let me carry the pangs of this sorrowpuking造句
1、Do whatever you want, but just don't bzero造句
1、Transfer to zero positon when appearshypnotize造句
1、Is there any way we can, I don't know,obviate造句
1、Up to now,it is not possible to obviatforage造句
1、He can't even walk, let alone forage finner light造句
1、Also, meditate on the inner light whicin union造句
1、Located in the checkroom in Union Stattote bag造句
1、A tote bag can hold winter gloves andspatially造句
1、the precise location of something; a sprolocutor造句
1、Many prolocutor attacked the overtureproduct certification造句
1、Its products through China's compulsorparallel lives造句
1、Such human's function fine in parallelliquidation造句
1、The liquidation team may carry out necexcuse造句
1、Excuse (me for) my poor singing.我唱得不好,