1、I hate to see a story about a bank swindler who has jiggered the books.
2、The boy jiggered up the machinery in his first attempt at fixing the clock.
3、Well then, 'said he,' I'm jiggered if I don't see you home! '!
a. 该死的 详情0
1、How long was the phrase that Louis Armred tape造句
1、It can easily tie up companies with reslay造句
1、And Judah said unto his brethren, Whatcontingency planning造句
1、The Web is an unreliable world, and cogiza造句
1、Egypt's famous sphinx sits bathed in fhexahedron造句
1、a hexahedron with six equal squares aslobe造句
1、Conclusion Insula lobe may play an implink together造句
1、The header is used to link together colightness造句
1、A yellow green of low to medium lightncountry music造句
1、On the face of it, this is bizarre reaDLL造句
1、Compiling the DLL as position-independat this rate造句
1、At this rate we shall not finish our winvest造句
1、A: You are welcome to invest in Henan欢competing造句
1、Removing an existing tariff would cleaunification造句
1、And to prepare for that day it is timeforswear造句
1、Or being compelled by poverty, I shoulcombustion chamber造句
1、The underside forms the combustion chasalary造句
1、His annual salary is sixty-five thousagoing-over造句
1、The document will need a careful goingecclesiastic造句
1、The illegitimate son of an ecclesiasti