1、Aconitum is one of an important officinal and noxious plant.
2、It has good officinal value and deepness development to use value.
3、Object To identify magnolia officinal and Campbell magnolia.
4、Glycyrrhiza inflata Batal is a very significant officinal plant in Chinese traditional medicine.
5、Chinese chestnut has a high nutritional value and officinal value.
6、Lilium spp. is an important economic crop with ornamental, edible and officinal value.
7、Have set up effective rapid propagation system in vitro of Zingiber officinal Rose.
8、ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship of Chantui and other officinal parts of Chanchu.
9、An Exploration on the Teaching Method of Officinal Botany
10、Research and application of the natural antioxidant from rosmarinus officinal is l.
11、Studies on factors influencing callus induction in anther culture of asparagus officinal is l.
a. 药房常备有售的, 药用的, 药典许可的n. 成药, 药用植物【化】 药典的; 法定的【医】 药房的, 药房常备的 详情

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