polling station造句
1、This polling station is decorated with the colors of the Rwandan flag.
2、Every voter should go to the polling station to cast a ballot.
3、A woman walks up to a voting booth at a polling station in Herat, Afghanistan on August 20, 2009.
4、A polling station is where I vote and is listed on my Elector Information Card.
1、Experimental Results for a CCTS Bistabtrait造句
1、But what distinguished the physician'sapprovingly造句
1、whistle or howl approvingly at a femalreluctant造句
1、Iran's neighbours are reluctant to clibankruptcy造句
1、His bankruptcy claimed the the traditidislike造句
1、The nineteen-century dislike of Realisboundary layer造句
1、Study of the Singularity Integrals andcooperation造句
1、We thank you for your cooperation in tarmchair造句
1、In his armchair in the parlour lookingcomparable造句
1、First, my minimum goal is to triple thpalter造句
1、You should not palter with the truth.你sea star造句
1、Sea star is yarning on rock, sunbakingfourteen造句
1、The wound was closed with fourteen stiimploring造句
1、She gave him an imploring look.她对他露出哀求pass judgment on造句
1、The court must pass judgment on the acring-shaped造句
1、The upper part has a generally ring-shmagic lantern造句
1、Format the card from the camera, and Mformalism造句
1、Literariness and Estrangement are thewalkthrough造句
1、Digitial City Walkthrough Systems Desipre-columbian造句
1、The Study on Pre-columbian Potteries f