1、Weijian tells him that he's too soft-hearted and is being made use of by Jing Jing.
2、We should not be soft-hearted towards those who killed people and seized their goods.
我们对那些 * 越货的家伙不要心慈手软。
3、He is a soft-hearted man.
4、He seems bad-tempered but he's Very soft-hearted underneath.
5、He seems bad-tempered, but he's very soft-hearted underneath.
a. 心肠软的, 好心肠的 详情0
1、Canada has reported 280 laboratory conblack tie造句
1、To attend the state dinner, black tiemolasses造句
1、The residue of distillation apparatusacrostic造句
1、Write an acrostic love note or poem.用离occasional造句
1、Benjamin: It will give rise to occasiocasualness造句
1、And, thirdly, casualness in the use ofput back造句
1、Put back the protective aluminium foiltropical medicine造句
1、The study from Benin appears in the Ammake the grade造句
1、It takes hard study to make the gradeprearrange造句
1、When you prearrange your funeral, youdawn造句
1、China-US-Russia Triangular Relations aotter造句
1、"Thought I should find you here all risoft water造句
1、Also try to use soft water when preparthe while造句
1、He tolerated Mr Morse, wondering the wsurvivorship造句
1、The issue of survivorship must also beone-year-old造句
1、A:Our one-year-old son likes to turn ahundred and one造句
1、I have told you a hundred and one timetotal amount造句
1、Necessary motive force is one horsepowcornerstone造句
1、Glencore and the cornerstone investorssyndromic造句
1、STI syndromes and the syndromic approa