target price造句
1、I'm adding Goldcorp to Jubak's Picks with a target price of $48 a share by October 2010.
我要把Goldcorp (GG) 加入到祖巴克精选中,该股2010年10月的目标价是每股48美元。
2、At a target price of 50 cents per dose, no large pharmaceutical company was interested.
3、Let the difference between today's price and my target price be your guide.
4、I'd hold off on buying any of those until the target price is updated.
5、A good research report will present its case for a target price by presenting detailed information.
6、At the target price of 50 cents a dose, no large pharmaceutical company was interested.
7、He is reviewing his HK$26.40 target price on Yue Yuen.
8、But at a target price of 50 cents per dose, no large pharmaceutical company was interested.
target price翻译
【经】 标准价格, 目标(销售)价格 详情猜你喜欢
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