1、Mark Johnston was running unopposed for mayor in Saco, Maine.
2、The next day, 1st Army armoured cars drove unopposed into Tunis.
3、Exogenous estrogen. Continuous exposure to unopposed estrogen results in endometrial hyperplasia.
4、On Wednesday, Blatter will stand unopposed for FIFA 's top job.
【法】 无反对的, 无对手的 详情0
1、A third nonthermal process known as phyellow sea造句
1、M 2 Tidal Wave in the Yellow Sea Radiafresh fish造句
1、We arrived on Monday and ate some fresoil pipeline造句
1、Development of Crude Oil Pipeline Techsteely造句
1、Here, blonde morphs into steely resolvmars造句
1、And the Mars Science Laboratory, a carvomit造句
1、The rank smell of vomit reached me.我闻到albeit造句
1、It can also be found as a pet, albeitblockage造句
1、Analysis for Blockage of Full-Vacuum Cbe unfaithful to造句
1、He confessed himself to be unfaithfulprocuratorate造句
1、The procuratorate makes only primary lwiles造句
1、The police were unable to penetrate thpumped造句
1、Afew hundred million gallons of watermanservant造句
1、a manservant who acts as a personal ataccentuate造句
1、Mrs Obama's speeches rarely accentuatebest man造句
1、The best man is making a toast there伴郎sever造句
1、The main aim for policymakers must besteak knife造句
1、The steak knife is a dining knife usedatonement造句
1、They are still trying to make some sorlook up造句
1、I have to look up a man living in Mott