1、Burley prices have shot up to Rs 65 a kg.
2、Changes of aroma components in burley tobacco during aging were studied.
3、But we have planted Burley tobacco for a living for more than 60 years.
4、The burley tobacco leaves were first treated with the proteinase, then cased and roasted.
5、In the years following the buyout, demand was greater than supply for burley tobacco.
6、If your child is too inexperienced for shifting gears, you might want to consider the Burley Kazoo.
7、In 1911 she married Walter Burley Griffin, who also worked with Wright.
8、A quality blend of fine Burley tobaccos - Cavendish processed for extra mildness.
9、Burley found labeled glucose and fructose in equimolar amounts.
10、With regards to burley sales, a total of 880 grams had been sold by Friday last week.
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