1、First of all, the significance of unsupervised word sense disambiguation study is introduced.
2、With respect to text, disambiguation is important for a number of reasons. A few reasons might be.
3、The problem of word sense disambiguation can be formalized to be a typical classify problem.
【计】 澄清, 清除二义性 详情

1、Just add a soupcon of curry powder.只加少enunciation造句
1、Clear Enunciation and Mellow Tune in Ameasuring instrument造句
1、The development of a close flash pointhemicrania造句
1、Objective: To explore the treatment ofinvidious造句
1、The local authority could find itselfacuteness造句
1、Now what is the method of treatment ofelectoral system造句
1、Indonesia's electoral system is impeneclinging造句
1、It stood on the edge of a cliff, grimmanagement consultant造句
1、She works as a management consultant fjejunal造句
1、Results The height of the jejunal villconceptually造句
1、Why is this not like conceptually a neironed造句
1、I ate an apple a day, period. I peroxiradio announcer造句
1、If that radio announcer does not get ofadeout造句
1、The morphology manifestation of cancerherpetic造句
1、The herpetiform ulceration resembles pflaccid paralysis造句
1、Poliomyelitis : acute infectious viradissimilation造句
1、What is assimilation, dissimilation anaround the corner造句
1、The boy disappeared around the cornerin relation to造句
1、The position of a vessel in relation tcoming back造句
1、I might decide to allow the man coming