first line造句
1、To delete from the first line until the first blank line.
2、Interferon system is the first line of defense against virus invasion in vertebrate.
3、The first line changes the button's label to show the selected label in the pull-down menu.
4、The first line of note is one I haven't talked much about yet, and it's illustrated in Listing 7.
第一行要注意的代码尚未多加讨论,该代码如清单7 所示。
5、On past form, its very first line will be a fib.
6、the first line of a piece of writing (as a newspaper story).
7、Well I was first line until the little hairball was born.
8、S: Did you remember the first line in Growing Pains?
9、The first line loads the module, then you create a new Worker object.
10、The first line enables everybody to log in from within the internal network.
第一行允许任何用户 (ALL)从内部网络登录。
11、At each subset, user rating data is grouped by user. First line for a user is formatted as.
12、He didn't get much further than the first line of her cover letter before spotting the problem.
13、Chorus first line starts "or I 'ma kill you!"
14、The first line of code changes field1 to uppercase.
第一行代码将 field1更改为大写。
15、We usually indent the first line of a paragraph
16、In the example, the first line has been hand edited into two lines for readability purposes.
17、The first line in each result is the page title.
18、For the sample application, this property is already set as shown in the first line of Listing 3.
19、Because Congress was meant to be the first line of defence.
20、The ego is the first line of defense between the self and the outside world.
21、The first line of a function definition, also known as the method signature, begins with def.
函数定义的第一行也称为方法签名(method signature),以def开头(def是define这个单词的缩写)。
22、Error messages are your first line of defense as a developer.
23、The first line in the example above indicates a garbage collection occurred.
24、The first line of defense in a secure program is to check every untrusted input.
25、The first line of each paragraph should be indented.
26、Please indent the first line of each paragraph.
27、The first line is the XML declaration that specifies the XML version and character encoding used.
28、The first line indicates that this test log is for the test case named Tc1.
29、The Agile Team Lead is the first line of issue resolution.
30、The first line calls the function in Listing 4 when the page loads.
第一行在页面加载时调用清单4 中的函数。
first line翻译
【计】 首行 详情

up and about造句
1、Jack is up and about now.杰克病后复原了。2、Meajerk造句
1、When they jerk forward again, they canspace technology造句
1、American space technology is more advacurrent assets造句
1、It expresses the relationship of curreunenforced造句
1、But often rules are unenforced or arejungle gym造句
1、Chris: I'd like a jungle gym in our bascared造句
1、Look how scared he is.看看他有多害怕。2、Then,possessory造句
1、This thesis elucidates the narrow possaustin造句
1、Conrad Austin has been working at thestack overflow造句
1、C + + Infinite Loop causing a stack ovaccordion造句
1、Is it OK with you if I play the accordtext file造句
1、The included README text file also hasimpotence造句
1、You can blame the impotence of commercpaper-cut造句
1、Paper-cut teaching is no exception.剪纸教well-knit造句
1、Her novels were well-knit with exquisiunstructured造句
1、Artifact-a piece of unstructured conteclutch pedal造句
1、Heaviness of vehicle clutch pedal is ain profit造句
1、Audi reported a rise of 30% in profithabit造句
1、Human life's work, choiceness or poor,sale造句
1、Proceeds from the sale will go to the