foramen magnum造句
1、if a loss has been caused, it shall betrample on造句
1、You trample on the poor and force himstent造句
1、ABI increased from 0.34 to 0.81 afterspinal cord造句
1、Relating ~1H-MRS to MRI changes afterblotting造句
1、If you don't have blotting paper, pourstrenuous造句
1、To engage in strenuous exercise for phlet go of造句
1、He let go of my hand and I ran.他放开我的手,data link造句
1、The commands cover files, streams, gencall option造句
1、From the structure of barrier options,proof造句
1、The burden of proof lay on the plaintipyrrhic造句
1、Our winning the opening game was a Pyrprojectile造句
1、Analysis of Projectile Motion in Bore弹heights造句
1、From the mountain heights we could seesur造句
1、The extent of in sur ance is stipulateredoubt造句
1、Redoubt moved to tier 2.盾壁堡垒移到第2层。2、Tgolden rule造句
1、Those who broke this golden rule wereendive造句
1、Clarence Endive was from East Egg, asperuse造句
1、You can peruse this list, looking fornaturalism造句
1、We hold on to naturalism concept frombe done for造句
1、Similar work needs to be done for all