1、The GMT of HBsAb in the 2 groups increased by 53.61 to 721.87-fold.
2、Analysis of Shrinkage Mark on Ribs of GMT Parts
3、Design of Processing Equipment of GMT Sheet
4、By Laura Roberts 8:00am GMT 28 Dec 2010.
5、Note, however, that you have the option to roll forward to a given local time or GMT time.
6、The date in GMT and the time zone offset.
7、To a specific GMT time - To roll forward to a specific GMT timestamp.
特定的GMT时间 —— 它会前滚到特定的 GMT 时间戳。
8、The third timepiece AMVOX3 Tourbillon GMT has ceramic case and automatic movement with 35 jewels.
第三代计时表anvox 3旋转结构表(格林威治时间)是陶瓷材质的,并且是镶嵌有35颗珠宝的自动活动装置。
9、It set a time of 1805 GMT for a possible strike on Chatham Islands.
格林威治平均时【计】 格林威治平均时间 详情猜你喜欢
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