1、"I'm just going to work now," I muttered, a half-truth in the half-light.
2、Epigram is a half-truth so stated as to irritate the person who believes the other half.
3、The half-truth is “unprovoked”.
n. 半真半假的陈述【法】 只有部分真实性的欺骗性陈述 详情0
1、I can not but be gay in such a jocundsulphate造句
1、More ammonium sulphate solution is beibarometer造句
1、Hair is a barometer of your general hepublic funds造句
1、Public funds poured in after an earthqagitating造句
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1、The blaze killed at least 53 people.这场disclosing造句
1、When disclosing his assets to Congressmonitoring system造句
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1、Methods the animal test, X-ray fluorosturkmenistan造句
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1、But Johnnie can't see the big picture.urine造句
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1、Methods Test tube dilution method wasintimidated造句
1、The first time I went tango dancing I