1、In each gene you have a light-skinned variant and a dark - skinned variant.
2、Then the light-skinned boys…
3、Ang moh: A light-skinned person, especially of Western origin or descent; a Caucasian.
1、Objective To study the cerebral bloodfijian造句
1、Study On Places Marketing And Fijian Tcerebellum造句
1、Damage to the cerebellum can disrupt mabatement造句
1、an abatement in the manifestations oftranscutaneous造句
1、Methods: Posterior branch of spinal neintern造句
1、You were a little intern pinning my hebipolar造句
1、He had been struggling with bipolar diinterstate造句
1、Driving on the interstate with a Fridaneonatal造句
1、Methods: The clinical data of 20 casesplanted造句
1、We planted out a hundred rows of tomatseaworthiness造句
1、Thirdly, the economics of seaworthinesmourn over造句
1、This is what we hear when you mourn ovironworks造句
1、But, greatly small now steel ironworksantimicrobial造句
1、Facts on antimicrobial resistance.抗菌素耐tire iron造句
1、I clobbered the mugger with a tire irofm造句
1、A TWR must be manned before the FM carland resources造句
1、Population supporting capacity of landcist造句
1、He wants to be sure there is no cist oblusher造句
1、She looked very pale so she wore blushgatehouse造句
1、City gatehouse into the main building