1、a lumberman who cuts logs into lengths after the trees have been felled
2、The lumberman was pinned down to the ground under a heavy tree.
3、A bullnecked lumberman guides them through a buzzing circular saw, slicing them into rough boards.
4、It must be a hard life, working as a Lumberman in Siberia
5、Mr Lowe, who is part of the Lantern Dance Theatre Company, acted a lumberman in the play.
6、The lumberman was pinned down to the ground under a heavy tree
7、It must be a hard life, working as a Lumberman in Siberia.
8、The lumberman will fell these great trees.
n. 伐木者 详情

have something to do with造句
1、Say, captain borgen, do you think thathyphen造句
1、Although the hyphen does look quite ahacksaw造句
1、The paper deals with the effects of sohoarsely造句
1、There is evidence? "he hoarsely the vosmoking room造句
1、Sorry, there is no smoking room in TAIcommercialism造句
1、Commercialism is everywhere and yet thtwill造句
1、Twill button-tab at each side of the hindecision造句
1、Indecision drives me crazy.犹豫要把我逼疯了2、Mdebt instrument造句
1、An ancient debt instrument may help Ammmpi造句
1、There is no obvious effect of income lfree-range造句
1、Based on this, making your man a free-gillespie造句
1、Mr. Gillespie was in a coma.吉莱斯皮先生当时是在reef造句
1、The reef runs parallel to the coast.暗礁follow the crowd造句
1、And when they see that other people aveconomic status造句
1、The rise of China's economic status inhand-to-hand造句
1、Confused, hand-to-hand fighting in a pjulius caesar造句
1、Which queen fascinated both Julius Caefor sure造句
1、I don't know for sure because I don'tprint preview造句
1、Applications that support printing butattractor造句
1、The Global Attractor for 2D-Navier-Sto