1、It is from the nonphysical that most species experience their existence, and not the physical.
2、The furthest extensions of the powerful Nonphysical Energy Stream.
3、That's why the physical universe is a by-product of the Nonphysical attention or focus.
4、It's a nonphysical thing, it's a very abrupt change.
5、I intend to release my karma to give my power away to the nonphysical false gods.
6、Soul is a nonphysical effervescence that infuses the field with golden octaves that are Tao based.
7、You are the more specific eyes of the Nonphysical Energy.
8、Such human's function fine in parallel lives in the nonphysical however.
9、Organizations that produce nonphysical outputs in the form of services.
10、Such gifts are also so in the nonphysical realms as well.
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