on condition that造句
1、He agreed on condition that I bombard the enemy house.
2、She will join us on condition that you also be there.
3、I'll come on condition that my parents are invited, too.
4、I shall work for him on condition that he pay me weekly.
5、38 fax on condition that MG has T. 38 fax capability.
6、You may borrow the book, on condition that you return it within a month.
7、I bequeath my entire estate to my wife on condition that she marries again.
8、He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.
他已获准恢复自由, 条件是他离开这个国家。
9、You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.
10、You can use the bicycle on condition that you return it tomorrow.
11、They were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal costs.
12、Milan have always wanted Gila to stay here, on condition that he was happy to remain.
13、He agreed to speak to reporters on condition that he was not identified.
14、I said I would tell him a confidential story on condition that he kept it secret.
15、I will lend you the book on condition that you return it on Monday.
16、I will go abroad on condition that my husband goes with me
如果我丈夫能和我一起去, 我就出国。
17、You can use my car on condition that you return it tomorrow.
18、I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.
19、They were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal cost
20、John will go on condition that Mary is invited too.
on condition that翻译
如果 详情

1、Only a handful of homegrown firms canundersell造句
1、That came from seeing people undersellraiding造句
1、Mr Obama's supporters accuse Mrs Clintpatron造句
1、Companion of St. Michael and St. Georgembryogenic造句
1、The embryogenic cells were characterizvine造句
1、Love is a vine that grows into our heabather造句
1、A bather stood under a hot waterfall apropellor造句
1、The outer wings, tail and propellor hadiamond造句
1、This pair of knee-highs is in a new dipattern of behavior造句
1、However, this pattern of behavior predrodgers造句
1、At last Rodgers took out a piece of paburnt造句
1、They grafted a piece of skin from hisdescendants造句
1、a sin inherited by all descendants ofintangible asset造句
1、Intangible asset is important componenmake money造句
1、He explained that there are legal waysrepresentable造句
1、The data representable is based on extingrain造句
1、Just ingrain it in your brain.只要把它深印在你dignified造句
1、This friendly and even dignified facemajors造句
1、First of all, you should consider therubin造句
1、“The industry is repeating itself,” Ru