1、In South Korea, one-seventh of marriages in 2005 were to "Kosians".
2、They account for one-seventh of the population.
3、One-seventh of your life is spent on Mondays.
senior citizens造句
1、Many senior citizens have been throughholy water造句
1、The festival ends when the monks sprayscalpel造句
1、Take a scalpel -- or an axe -- to thatno matter how造句
1、No matter how emergent things happend,skylight造句
1、This skylight could be shaded in summecorporate bond造句
1、Meanwhile, this week's column is on thsolo造句
1、a brilliant solo passage occuring nearlusaka造句
1、It is an honour for us to be here in Lsearch in造句
1、Note that the actual code that performfence with造句
1、Bob put paint on the fence with a freewillpower造句
1、In the fact, the willpower always is tcompounded造句
1、The loss of power is compounded by a ltransaction management造句
1、The example for this exercise is a traplant life造句
1、To investigate or explore the plant lisedated造句
1、Fafa was sedated and brought to the vepunch in造句
1、The thug gave him a punch in the chestcrime造句
1、Its Havana office has been closed andballad造句
1、But is there a duller love ballad in adefense造句
1、Conservative writers quickly used theepoch造句
1、It was the epoch of belief, it was the