1、But Heinrich Wang and a small glass paperweight changed all that
2、The profession is generally called the beautiful grain paperweight sensitive adhesive tape.
3、Golden Adele, in paperweight form, lay on the coffee table and was rubbed hard for luck.
4、Wait, have you every really looked at a paperweight before?
n. 镇纸, 压纸物, 压纸器 详情0
1、What dares the slave come hither, covepontificate造句
1、As early as the pontificate of Leo I,embassy造句
1、Kathmandu, the capital of the United Killumine造句
1、So powerful is the light of unity thatveiling造句
1、Explanation means veiling so I have nodiluent造句
1、Results The recovery rates of each posgarbo造句
1、The face of Garbo is an Idea, that oflong ago造句
1、Celia had decided long ago she would nstudious造句
1、I was a very quiet, studious little gigynecology造句
1、Moshe Hod, a professor of obstetrics alouisville造句
1、I think a good example is the pedestricolouring造句
1、Molybdenate Colouring Technology of Broilcloth造句
1、The piece of oilcloth is used as a covwork permit造句
1、Obtain hot work permit prior to commenprivate secretary造句
1、As her private secretary he have accessyngas造句
1、Syngas can also be turned into ethanolDives造句
1、When it dives its heart slows to halfto some extent造句
1、To some extent what she argues is trueprice system造句
1、I liked its price system that was simpcrescent造句
1、In another, a Soviet star and crescent