parallel processing造句
1、Parallel processing has two aspects: data and process.
2、Familiar with parallel processing and multithread programming techniques.
3、Experimental works has been carried out by using a transputer-based parallel processing system.
4、But from the previous discussion, it's easy to see how Hadoop provides parallel processing of work.
5、DB2 UDB V5 extended parallel processing even further by introducing sysplex query parallelism.
DB 2UDBV 5引入了sysplex查询并行,进一步扩展了并行处理。
6、Throughput is affected by two aspects: response time and parallel processing capabilities.
7、The results of the parallel processing can then be consolidated in one place.
8、It lacked floating point and parallel processing ability.
9、Parallel Processing Algorithm for Spaceborne SAR on SGI System
10、Clearly, parallel processing is an expensive solution for a small work-load
11、Heterogeneous computing is a new branch of parallel processing and expected to reach super speedup.
12、Issues of Realizing Distributed Parallel Processing System Based on Java
基于 Java 分布并行处理系统实现的若干问题
13、Processing types: SPML supports both sequential and parallel processing of requests.
parallel processing翻译
【计】 并行处理【化】 并行处理 详情

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