1、The invention provides a method for synthesizing star-shaped polystyrene polymer ruthenium complex.
2、Industrial use of ruthenium electroplating was indicated.
3、For even greater stability, the hexagonal structure of ruthenium is used.
n. 钌【化】 钌Ru【医】 钌(44号元素) 详情0
1、Typically, millisecond pulsars are arocroak造句
1、I think the doctors were worried thatcarbonated造句
1、To emit small bubbles of gas, as a carbad faith造句
1、The swindler's offer was in bad faithlactoferrin造句
1、Lactoferrin helps coordinate the body'ranunculus造句
1、The observation on chromosome aneuploicorsica造句
1、of or relating to or characteristic ofjudas造句
1、Lk. 6:16 and Judas the brother of Jameburst open造句
1、The police burst open the door.警察突然把门推plot of ground造句
1、a plot of ground where plants are cultbootee造句
1、The bootee of roses sat at its foot, tupwards造句
1、It is through the dissipation of densiabandonment造句
1、In other words, nonuse does not constitransfiguration造句
1、Basic Modelling and Transfiguration ofinnovate造句
1、To be a leader, there is a need to conrepresentation造句
1、Essentially a theory is an abstract syscaly造句
1、The raw jade is in multi-colors with spry bar造句
1、If jack screws cannot be used than angtelegraph造句
1、The Telegraph described her record onsubjectivism造句
1、It holds that historical criticism has