1、In desperation Harry pointed his wand at the sidecar and shouted, "Wingardium Leviosa! ""
2、We made some good runs in our motorcycle sidecar at WOS 2008.
我们取得了一些良好的运行在我们的摩托车侧在WOS 2008。
3、Hagrid kicked the motorbike into life: It roared like a dragon, and the sidecar began to vibrate.
4、Even if the sidecar had a windscreen to protect your hair?
5、One Of the most important aspects of sidecar racing is teamwork.
n. (摩托车的)边车 详情0
1、This footballer is a sportsman who likscalding造句
1、He lifted his coffee to his mouth withgreen snake造句
1、A large green snake twisted itself arofeatured造句
1、It also featured an enclosed tail rotoacromioclavicular造句
1、Objective To introduce a new way of figabby造句
1、Ted observed that her friends were a soutright造句
1、I've listed them as a cautionary talepropound造句
1、Martin had a question of his own to prsignal generator造句
1、Based on DDS technology of CNC signalthrow the book at造句
1、Say that again and I'll throw the bookall at once造句
1、All at once he fell into a state of prformally造句
1、The W3C formally approved a standard dcosting造句
1、It's costing me double to go to the desemisynthetic造句
1、semisynthetic penicillin (trade name Spowdered造句
1、She wore a powdered wig, as was the faburnt造句
1、They grafted a piece of skin from hisexcept造句
1、Is there any better ways to beguile lobesiege造句
1、And Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon camproletariat造句
1、The supremacy of the proletariat willpost office造句
1、In our project, the post office is the