1、The ship's crew was sluicing down the deck.
2、Water sluicing out of the hole
3、An attendant was sluicing out the changing rooms.
4、Improvement on cooling-air duct of sluicing pump motor in ash pumphouse
5、pouring from or as if from a sluice: the sluicing rain
6、At night, dramatic whooshing and sluicing sounds rumbled through the carriages.
7、pouring from or as if from a sluice: the sluicing rain.

1、That cannot be good news for Ms Pelosipull up造句
1、It was a hard pull up to the mountainxe造句
1、The gas centrifuge technology is studiencroach造句
1、A high density urban policy would alsoaxion造句
1、There continuing efforts to prove theraggedy造句
1、Two girls raggedy as rats live acrossuproot造句
1、We decided to uproot and head for Scotpancreatic duct造句
1、Methods Retrograde pancreatic duct injiwo造句
1、The discovery of his letters home in abullied造句
1、Buck never allowed himself to be bullispoiled造句
1、A mist of prejudice spoiled his judgemordering造句
1、An American telephone ordering systemhoodlum造句
1、If I was a hoodlum I could hit you onkeck造句
1、But a team of researchers at Hawaii'scry up造句
1、Cry up wine and sell vinegar.醋当酒来卖。2、Cmaidenhair造句
1、Small maidenhair flowering, and finallpleasure boat造句
1、The pleasure boat is lying at anchor.游arthurian造句
1、For example, for fantasy, read Dunsanydouglas fir造句
1、The choice of Douglas fir for the struchild labor造句
1、ROBINSON Disraeli and his social...the