1、relating to or producing butyric acid.effective management造句
1、On these projects, effective managemenanarchy造句
1、Bohr, my childhood in Munich came to acontroversial造句
1、The purpose of the journey is to mobilkitty造句
1、Li asks Kitty and Ben.李太太问基蒂和本。2、Don'tcoating thickness造句
1、Increasing properly coating thicknessunprofitable造句
1、Thus, the more new customers they signnotary造句
1、a commission to serve as notary publicblack dog造句
1、The stick that hits a black dog can hikick out造句
1、He gets a kick out of bossing people adispossession造句
1、Does it instill a sense of alienationIndian造句
1、Indian conglomerates such as Tata andmalaise造句
1、Could a solution to Japan's economic mbeyond compare造句
1、The light, as always, was beyond compasearchable造句
1、This are abstract data objects used torapper造句
1、So, you're like a rapper now?你现在又像个卖唱的blow in造句
1、Whoever strikes the finishing blow inentitle造句
1、This ticket doesn't entitle you to trainput value造句
1、The input value can be a simple exprespeach tree造句
1、There used to be a peach tree in the g