1、David Dymesich wanted to solve that problem with a new kind of spring-loaded chair.
2、Can be a passive CAM or a spring-loaded device with two or more camming pieces on a stem.
3、All have a reversible thumb knob for one-hand easy opening and spring-loaded lock for closing.
4、The plate springs of the spring-loaded clutch press the friction discs together.
1、In pathological morphology, in the ileferrying造句
1、A franchise or legal right to operateroom造句
1、But, he says, Mr Ozawa left the room adystrophy造句
1、A detailed phenotypic study of “cone drope ladder造句
1、ROPE LADDER with wooden rungs disguiseprobation造句
1、A technician on probation was hit by apowerhouse造句
1、Switzerland’s close ties to the Germanburbank造句
1、You're watching live pictures from Stuinfirm造句
1、mentally or physically infirm with agemap function造句
1、The Map function emits each word plusnative products造句
1、BIS is a foreign buyer from France, nebutterbur造句
1、The snail ate the butterbur leaves andburst upon造句
1、At this moment an idea burst upon him—brooklyn bridge造句
1、The Brooklyn bridge was the first bridresplendent造句
1、We areenjoying the resplendent colorsgustavus造句
1、The most prolific writer of the debunkphase ii造句
1、Status: Possibly entering Phase II trsubsidized造句
1、It is promoting the grain and has inclbrown rice造句
1、But as concentration of brown rice hassoutheast造句
1、El Ninos are associated with abnormall