
1、Some 21,999 lottery tickets priced atharvard university造句
1、Harvard university lay on both side ofwhole blood造句
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1、X-Band Microwave Monolithic Integratedhands-off造句
1、The first was a fairly hands-off appropetrology造句
1、This paper discusses its component, peburger造句
1、Burger King says it is still working oohio造句
1、Two Ohio cities, Dayton and Cincinnatiinsurance industry造句
1、The insurance industry is all about maUSI造句
1、The risk of USI increased with the sevunprocessed造句
1、One is the growing preference for unprcontention造句
1、A Summary of the Contention about thezygote造句
1、It develops from the zygote and compriwell-knit造句
1、Her novels were well-knit with exquisiget right造句
1、Notice they automatically go directlyblack humour造句
1、The school of black humour is an entirisaiah造句
1、See Isaiah 66.参见以赛亚书66。2、In Isaiah 6,well-endowed造句
1、The hundred-page magazine includes sixding-dong造句
1、Joyfully, played a "river sonata" - dipensioner造句
1、Eventually, a pensioner gave her a con