sudden death造句
1、Progress about First Aid to Sudden Death outside Hospital
2、Sudden death came to the fathers, and no providence made for the daughters.
3、Suffice it to say that his sudden death left his family hopeless.
4、He returned home after the sudden death of his father to find a country embroiled in change.
5、Study on VCG Prior to Sudden Death Patient with Chronic Keshan Disease
6、A 13 rained-out picnic, for example, is easier to cope with than the sudden death of a loved one.
7、Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country.
8、Hiss sudden death came as a bolt from the blue.
9、We find distillability sudden death may occur in such qutrit-qutrit system.
10、His sudden death astonished us.
11、Severe cases of poisoning the water is in a coma and sudden death due to brain swelling.
12、Her sudden death left the party leaderless.
13、He died a sudden death in a Kansas car crash in 1940
14、That reality includes the recent sudden death of a corporate lawyer in a Moscow jail.
15、The insurance policy covers sudden death or disablement.
16、His sudden death reduced the family to poverty.
17、After the sudden death of the sheriff, the deputy took charge.
18、After the sudden death of Michael Jackson Evan Chandler tells the truth.
19、His sudden death turned her world upside down.
20、He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law.
sudden death翻译
暴死, 突然死亡法【医】 猝死 详情猜你喜欢
hook up with造句
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