1、The recent Vioxx debacle bears this out.
2、Compared to placebos, Vioxx and Prexige were associated with twice the risk of heart attack.
3、Vioxx was taken off the market in 2004.
4、Could the company someday bring Vioxx back to market?
1、Police say there are more ferocious atDAE造句
1、"You know the policy," says Yoon Dae Jmagnetic memory造句
1、The principle and application of metalassiduous造句
1、Develop the diligence likes to learn alabor cost造句
1、Analysis cost accounting for RM used,marsh造句
1、Marsh goes on to describe his impressicrafty造句
1、A suspect who was a crafty number狡猾的嫌疑workweek造句
1、What I thought was a 60-hour workweekribbing造句
1、I got quite a lot of ribbing from my thomeless造句
1、A Blue Sky for Homeless Children为流浪儿童撑access control造句
1、Have you added Access Control functionunderstated造句
1、In fact, he understated the case, by ftransvestite造句
1、The party's most flamboyant lawmaker iloads造句
1、The SPU actually loads two instructionbalance due造句
1、May we remind you that there is a balapitifully造句
1、She was pitifully thin.她瘦骨嶙峋,令人怜悯。2、Igladstone造句
1、A Gladstone bag铰合式手提旅行包2、"How do you kpublic prosecutor造句
1、The public prosecutor is seeking legalon-line造句
1、This forum will include two consecutivboning造句
1、Even Scott, who is allergic to fish, w