1、These drugs are known as anticholinergic agents and are designed to block acetylcholine.
2、If there is,how the anticholinergic drug(act on M and N receptor)works?
3、Almost half of participants were taking more than one anticholinergic drug.
几乎有一半(40 %),与会者以一个以上的抗胆碱药物。
【医】 抗胆硷能的 详情0
1、On the mahjong field, not necessarilysimulation test造句
1、Solution of Data Transmission in the Esolid matter造句
1、where solid matter or sewage is disintmartial law造句
1、Martial law has been declared but thisforget about造句
1、Did you forget about going to the bankcompliant造句
1、All compliant implementations of UDDIapar造句
1、The static saturation sorption capacitstreets ahead of造句
1、He is streets ahead of you.他比你强多了。2、Thadmittedly造句
1、The options are admittedly limited.诚然,china造句
1、Is it before the end of 1993 that Chinfait造句
1、present a fait accompli; make sth an adingdong造句
1、So I have to go to bed early for welcofruits造句
1、Do you have any fruits or vegetables?你self-destructive造句
1、The flip side is the Medea hypothesissqualling造句
1、One error and he would have been tornrecreate造句
1、Recreate your partner's favorite romanwarfarin造句
1、Warfarin works well to kill mice. * 对付unrealistic造句
1、But this is an unrealistic expectationthrottling造句
1、This fight scarf is throttling me.这条束得clear-cut造句
1、We have to take a clear-cut stand agai