1、And live with me, sweet bumble bee?
2、A Study on the effect of bumble bee pollination to greenhouse tomato
3、Mr Bumble coughed. 'What is it?' he asked, looking at the bottle with interest.
4、Mr. Bumble coughed again, and slightly smiled.
5、Nosema bombi is a bee pathogen that has also afflicted European bumble bees.
6、European orchid whose flowers resemble bumble bees in shape and color.
7、'Will you come along with me, Oliver?' asked Mr Bumble in a loud voice.
8、Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. smell the rain, and feel the wind.
9、The frown, however, was quickly changed to a sweet smile when she saw Mr Bumble enter.
10、Surveys have shown no clear evidence of a decline in bumble bee Numbers in the region.
11、I thought to myself, 'This is really going to bumble me'.
12、Mr. Bumble tasted the medicine with a doubtful look.
13、The little flowers waved at Shandie the bumble bee.
14、They discussed some workhouse business together, and then Mr Bumble looked hopefully at the teapot.
15、I thought to myself,‘This is really going to bumble me’.
我心里想: ‘这简直是要我难堪’。”
16、This makes them more efficient than swallowtail butterflies, fruit flies and bumble bees.
vi. 结结巴巴地说, 犯大错, 踉跄, 跌倒 详情猜你喜欢
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1、The Inquisitor nodded. It is the marktechnological development造句
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1、However, there is a considerable gap b