1、International Tables For Crystallography, Volume f, Crystallography Of Biological Macromolecules.
2、The crystallography and kinetics of the transformations are discussed at length.
3、In the science of crystallography it is crucial, as it is also in many aspects of chemistry.
4、The essential of approach is introducing the diffraction crystallography into HREM.
n. 结晶学【化】 晶体学; 结晶学【医】 结晶学; 晶体照相术 详情0
come to heel造句
1、He had only to speak one word and hisarguer造句
1、What a shifty arguer he is, refusing eindentation造句
1、For example, to set each indentation tsituation造句
1、So let there be no doubt: the situatiobreaking strength造句
1、The breaking strength and elongation dtherefore造句
1、Therefore metacognition is significantawaiting造句
1、I am awaiting the news of your successhebraic造句
1、The Hebraic definition of is "a strongadvisable造句
1、It may be advisable to have a blood tecup-shaped造句
1、a sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shadakota造句
1、South Dakota increased charges on launamass造句
1、He is planning to amass a fortune forcoeducational造句
1、A woman who attends a coeducational colymph造句
1、Study of Lymphatic Mapping and Sentineoverpopulation造句
1、But overpopulation is a crisis.但数量过剩是一peremptorily造句
1、She peremptorily rejected the request.Claudia造句
1、CLAUDIA HAMMOND: Elizabeth lives in Ugleaf造句
1、The taste is different from the Conifebanister造句
1、Hold the banister with one hand.一只手扶住楼accessibility造句
1、Accessibility can seem overwhelming fo