1、The market for Bresse poultry takes plbegonia造句
1、Experiment on Speed Propagation of Begbell captain造句
1、Your room is 743, on the seventh floorquant造句
1、Other regulators would prefer to leaveinstrumental music造句
1、Asian-American parents are enthusiastipoorhouse造句
1、(Brit) a poorhouse where able-bodied pnoah造句
1、“Kevin Garnett will not — will not — gcart造句
1、He takes the letter cart away.他把送信的车给开challenged造句
1、When I tried to enter the building, thapocalyptic造句
1、The Ghost City - an apocalyptic inspirinstinctive造句
1、It is the primitive, primal earth, whemade in china造句
1、No longer a badge of infamy, made in Ccarmichael造句
1、This time, Carmichael is seeking for hchardonnay造句
1、Very similar to California Chardonnaythe departed造句
1、The departed was a good friend of minelong march造句
1、Has history ever known a long march topetting zoo造句
1、You couldn't find a rabbit at a pettinimpair造句
1、Scattering particles seriously impairassembly room造句
1、Sunday school has just ended, and Billset a trap造句
1、The police set a trap to catch the esc