1、They gathered 100, 000 genetic fragments from the three women and deciphered their sequences.
2、"I've deciphered the numeric code," she said flatly.
3、Modern technology has put men on the moon and deciphered the human genome.
4、A deciphered or decoded message.
5、One man types while another records the enciphered or deciphered letters.
6、He has deciphered Diana's "Let's" as a command.
7、A deciphered or decoded message
8、It guarantees that the data is encrypted so that it cannot be deciphered by third parties.
appellate court造句
1、The appellate court affirmed the judgmleading character造句
1、I'm a fan of the leading character youcontrol equipment造句
1、Modeling and Link of Control Equipmentgo about造句
1、He knows how to go about repairing theanti-oxidant造句
1、On a biochemical level, studies pointphotodegradation造句
1、The Effect of Copper-Amino Complexes tofferee造句
1、The shareholdings of the offeror in thMind your own business造句
1、Their message to the people: Live in hcatch a glimpse of造句
1、In one village I did catch a glimpse olegality造句
1、Improving the legality of government wadventure story造句
1、It's a classic adventure story with aput it on造句
1、You remember she had put it on a chaincompartmentalize造句
1、Many people often compartmentalize thepolicyholder造句
1、We will return to the policyholder theleafage造句
1、This leafage apply to hover, quality alow water造句
1、He's in low water now, being out of jotrain on造句
1、The train on platform 3 is for London,greased造句
1、The machines will run well provided thbartlett造句
1、Rachel Armstrong, from UCL's Bartlettsystem operation造句
1、Finally, explore the output using the