1、Techniques for supporting communication with disjoint links and common links are described.
2、DB2 10 can now automatically reorganize disjoint partition ranges of a partitioned table space.
DB 210现在支持自动重新组织分区表空间的不相连分区范围。
3、In this paper studed the algorithm to realize the disjoint calculation in multistate system.
4、The training sets are both larger and partially disjoint from the testing collections.
5、The sum of disjoint products method is efficient for computing the reliability of a network.
6、Text mining is the kernel of the disjoint literature-based knowledge discovery.
7、This will ubiquitously induces the disjoint phenomenon between the light and space design.
vt. (使)脱节, (使)解体, (使)脱臼vi. (使)脱节, (使)解体, (使)脱臼【医】 使关节分离 详情

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