food pyramid造句
1、The food Pyramid wrote: eat a little salt, oil, sugar, milk, milk, eggs and meat;
2、Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things even for other plants.
3、A healthy diet takes planning, and a food pyramid can be a helpful tool.
garden party造句
1、The garden party broke up at 6p.m.游园会在pally造句
1、Over 100 metres, Pally would beat anyprosperity造句
1、Prosperity is the fruit of labor.繁荣是劳动tailor-make造句
1、So this is a great opportunity to tailunmarked造句
1、We knew we were at a coffin of an unmacivil suit造句
1、The content includes some principles aproteome造句
1、In the past years, proteome research hcommandment造句
1、Why does the second commandment forbidcontrol card造句
1、Developing Driver for Motion Control Ctumble造句
1、He said, "how came I to tumble into thmary造句
1、Mary has been soft on him for years.多年speaker system造句
1、The speaker system of the compact sizegloomily造句
1、People just started gloomily into theelectret造句
1、Finally the performance of the electreCHKDSK造句
1、This is the program used to check andscrappy造句
1、The final chapter is no more than a scto the core造句
1、leal to the core of her intrepid Scottcollective造句
1、Its benefits are guaranteed by collecthepatology造句
1、Hepatology Digest: can you describe thsorting machine造句
1、The sorting mechanism of vibration sor