1、The characteristic of commonly seen disease which can cause kyphosis are also presented.
2、The authors present their midterm results with cervical kyphosis correction.
3、Objective To study the surgical treatment or kyphosis of ankylosing spondylitis.
4、This MRI of the spine demonstrates marked kyphosis with compressed fractures.
n. 驼背【医】 脊柱后凸, 驼背 详情0
1、Poland “has no problems with tighter dfront-runner造句
1、Now Mr McCain is the clear front-runneeventual造句
1、The eventual losses could run to seversheeting造句
1、“Eventually, we’re looking at creatingindustrial plant造句
1、We can't run an industrial plant withcraziness造句
1、My father said, 'Stop this craziness aballs造句
1、Amounting to three balls and two strikchlorhexidine造句
1、RESULTS The average recovery of chlorhcuddle造句
1、I'm off to cuddle with one of my favorbristle brush造句
1、Use a soft bristle brush to clean, allposing造句
1、Never pay to have your picture taken pmolded造句
1、They are made of copper plate or alumihospital bed造句
1、As he lay in his hospital bed that nigtime of delivery造句
1、If I remember correctly, time of delivdroppings造句
1、Bird droppings are the chief export ofpurchase造句
1、Buyer shall issue the purchase order spricing policy造句
1、Price and pricing policy play an imporunpretentious造句
1、I continued in this unpretentious situleonard造句
1、"I use the washer," Leonard said.“我是在用be immune to造句
1、Since then no region has proven to be