level off造句
1、Using the scoop provided, level off the powder with the build-in leveller.
2、France's population, it said, would grow by 9m from 2005 to 2050, when it would level off at 70m.
3、The total supply will level off at 21m COINS or so around 2030.
4、So why do infections tend to go up in the cold winter months and level off in the summer?
5、The plane will level off at around35000feet.
6、In men, cholesterol levels generally level off after age 50.
7、Then level off and smash into the water.
8、The rise lasted for two weeks and then began to level off in August.
9、Level off the shelves with a spirit level
10、It took three bulldozers a week to level off the site.
level off翻译
平整, 变平, 稳定 详情

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1、So how does all this information help