1、He added: "I refuse to accept this mealy-mouthed apology."
2、He repeated that he did not intend to be mealy-mouthed with the country's leaders.
3、SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton. She's a pale- faced mealy-mouthed ninny and I hate her.
4、But if you don't, they say you are mealy-mouthed forever!
5、He was tired of those mealy-mouthed politicians.
说话转弯抹角的, 不必开门见山说的, 说话时过分注意选择字眼的, 说话不真诚的 详情0
1、The Sifter salutes you and your craft!free radical造句
1、It may also reduce free radical damagewell out of造句
1、The cat stayed well out of range of thrandom sample造句
1、A large random sample provides reliablemplacement造句
1、An emplacement for one or more piecesthicken造句
1、We'll add some flour to thicken the soseismometer造句
1、A seismometer is a seismograph whose pfront-runner造句
1、Now Mr McCain is the clear front-runnesaintly造句
1、But before that, my saintly father toomarimba造句
1、But the marimba was so intriguing.但是木琴tatu造句
1、Tatu accommodate, broken but many troucat and mouse造句
1、The cat and mouse game is over, but thcherry造句
1、Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival happentext file造句
1、The included README text file also haslies造句
1、The harmony of a society lies fundamentuberous造句
1、Tapioca is starch obtained from tuberounderestimate造句
1、We were underestimate the value of thanet cash造句
1、Why is a company's Net Income differenmass culture造句
1、Essentially, mass culture means raisinbe of help to造句
1、May it be of help to you in your own j