muscle cell造句
1、Then why does muscle cell need an increase of sugar intake?
2、Objective: to investigate a new method to cultivate the smooth muscle cell of rat arteriole.
3、Objective: To study the electrophysiology effect of Propafenone on ventricle muscle cell of rats.
4、Muscle cell electrolyte composition is essential for nerve-muscle contraction force.
5、Rat aortic smooth muscle cell proliferation was determined by crystal violet staining assay.
6、Methods:Single diaphragmatic muscle cell was obtained by an enzymatic dissociation method.
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1、The shop had a sign in the window: "Hafantasize造句
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1、I had to become a fully-fledged rooferanhydrite造句
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1、The inlet pipe of each pump has a magnclientele造句
1、My clientele has always favoured qualikingston造句
1、Two boys play soccer in a Kingston neiglycolic造句
1、Note: Glycolic acid is an AHA, and safrad造句
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1、The red sandalwood tree has been plantroutine造句
1、Routine tasks are often delegated to isouth pacific造句
1、The other was a fishing vessel registethymoma造句
1、The diagnosis of malignant thymoma isforth造句
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1、They resuscitated an old man who fellcolor wheel造句
1、I'll use the color wheel below to givemaxwell造句
1、The three original plates are now keptemirate造句
1、The announcement threw the emirate anddal造句
1、A poor harvest has been blamed for the