1、Influence of the different NO_3~-/NH4_~+ on NRA and GSA
2、The NRA was not directly correlated with nitrogenase activity.
3、The NRA decreased accordingly from the top to the base of the stem.
4、Effects of Salicylic Acid on Roots Growth and NRA in Rice
5、The phenomena were discussed in combination with NRA results.

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1、You are on the lookout for a new cookwpsychosis造句
1、Some female comrades suffered psychosidisable造句
1、Disable your original SWAT configuratiglacier造句
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1、According to a Gallup poll in 1999, 18musical composition造句
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1、Melt butter, brown sugar and honey inkale造句
1、On postharvest physiology of Chinese kaustin造句
1、Conrad Austin has been working at theadenosine triphosphate造句
1、It is the major site of adenosine triprefinery造句
1、The refinery could be on stream withinreligious造句
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1、Excuse (me for) my poor singing.我唱得不好,freeze-dried造句
1、Freeze-dried technology is a high leveself-discovery造句
1、If you do self-discovery will come natphantasm造句
1、Try taking away the phantasm and the e